Hi y'all!!
Wow! Do you want to hear something crazy!?! I have passed my halfway point in the mtc. I am 1/26th of the way done with my mission already. (I am not counting down, the others sisters just did the math for me). It has been such a good week! Hard as always but quite wonderful. I am really getting use to the life here. And I am starting to really thrive off the intensity that it requires you to give. I want to talk mostly about what happened yesterday because it was soo fantastic.
So we have finally had a good lesson with Karl (our fake investigator) It was really nice to walk out of the lesson knowing that I was teaching to his needs. I still feel really inadequate in the language so it can be frustrating to know that you aren't explaining things clearly or that you are saying the same things over and over again because you simply dont know how else to say things. But the last lesson with Karl and the last to with Xiao Hui have been sooo great and I have no doubt that it is because we have had the spirit with us.
anyway we had a weird schedule yesterday and did this teacher workshop that had us speaking with a teacher, one who taught a different language and go over what we needed help with so that at the end we as the missionaries could give them the pros and cons to their teaching styles. Sis Teilend(?) was my mentor and she was wonderful. We talked about where we were with Karl and Xiao and then we turned to the scriptures. 2Nephi 31: 3
3 For my soul delighteth in a; for after this manner doth the Lord God work among the children of men. For the Lord God giveth light unto the b; for he speaketh unto men according to their c, unto their understanding.
She than asked me what i thought that "God giveth light unto the b" meant. I thought about it and said that we learn that truth is light. so when we speak so plainly that there will be gaps in what a person understands that God will fill in the blanks that we cannot speak, or dont understand untill we do "Understand" It was so amazing to sit there with her and to have that talk with her Auf English of course. She than helped me improve my teaching after i had practiced teaching to "Karly" She said that she could feel the spirit I had and that I was living this scripture because with the spirit she understood what I was trying to get across. She did say that I need to ask direct questions. That I was going in a round about way to ask her how to follow Christ.
As I thought more about that it really hit me hard that I had this weakness in my armor, a chink. And that it was that I needed to more fully trust in my faith that I had in God. That I knew the promises He gives His children are real, but that I needed to have more confidence in Him to extend those promises to others. I really was grateful to be humbled in this way. Because it did show me where i was lacking and how i could improve and not have those problems with Karl and Xiou.
and then later that night we had tuesday devotional. All my time going to Devotionals at BYUI and for the like 20th speaker here at the MTC I have never seen an apostle or one of the members of the first Presidency speak in person. And I would tell Sis. Lyons that we have to get there early just encase there was someone "big" coming. and nothing happened. Well for this week we were recruited to sing in the choir because they needed more sisters. I was soo happy. (only lately as in the past 3 days I have been finally catching the sickness that everyone in my zone has had... it is not a pretty sight, so please pray for my health) I was happy although I am not too sure how well I sang.
Anyway we get there and have a great practice, seriously all those who come to the MTC need to go to choir, its not like church choir its great! and after everything settles down and we are about to start. Everyone stands up and inwalks the MTC presidency. and ELDER RICHARD G. SCOTT!! only like my very favorite apostle!! I was soo excited. and could feel yet another tender mercy from God to me showing me that He loves me.
There were many things that he talked about. but he focused on the "supernal gift, and sacred privilege we have to communicate to our Heavenly Father" Some of the truths that he reminded us of is that, We have a Heavenly Father, who loves us, who knows us, and wants the very best for us. If we could only constantly live by that understanding than how much better off would our lives be.
He gave 3 ways that our prayers are answered. 1 we will feel a peace of confirmation 2. we will feel a stupper of thought that is guiding us away from that choice. and 3. we wont get an answer. that in those moments god is putting his trust in us that we can choose for ourselves.
"sometimes God lets you struggle for a long time" but the longer the time the greater you faith, the stronger you character. Know that you should pray even when you have NO desire to pray. Never fear you are too unworthy to pray. do not fear repentance. repentance is hope and Heavenly Father will propt us what steps to take next.
" God has called us on this mission to earth not to fail but to succeed gloriously. He wants us to grow. He will not abandon us. He knows the potential that we can become. He wants to show you your capacity and the give you blessings and talents that you have yet to discover.
He than left an apostalic blessing on us who are learning a language that "We will Succeed with the Help of the Lord"
best day ever!!
I love this gospel and the comfort and peace and happiness that I feel when I obey the standards and commandments it teaches. I know that I am a Daughter of God who loves me because I feel it a hundred time each day. I love you all and miss you dearly. I really do. Please dont forget me..
Love your daughter and friend,
Sis. Wadsworth
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Massive amounts of books |
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Sunday is my all time favorite day of the week. |
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And guess who I saw! Sister Carrie Damstadt! |
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These are the massive amounts of books I have acquired since being here at the MTC |
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A beautiful Sunset they make me sehr glucklich |
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For Tuesday devotional walking back there really is like a crazy amount of missionaries. It's so cool to think about. There are just so many! |
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haha no one can deny we aren't like the Army of Heleman. |
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Really hard to see but that is a picture of Elder Scott. |
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One of my favorite sights is Tues devos with all the missionaries in suits and skirts |
Me and Sister Carrie Damstandt |
Sunday |
Me and Sister Carrie Damstandt |
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My schedule while here at the MTC |
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My Schedule while here at the MTC |
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Typical day in class. |
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All the German Sisters enjoying our Schwester Fest |
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All the German Sisters enjoying our Schwester Fest |
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Me eating a banana. Sister Lyons has band me from ever getting them at the cafeteria because I always end up giving them away. But here I am proving her wrong, mostly because no on else wanted it. ;)
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