Monday, September 23, 2013

I am running out of ideas for subject lines. (Sent 9/16/13)

So this is only a breif letter update because family comes first. But I felt bad that I told yall all about how I got to Deutchland but not anything about Germany. There will be photos to follow for each of these things. but for now this is it.
Things I love about Germany
-the cobblestone streets are soooo legit. they beat my feet at first but now i adore looking down.
-just about every building is beautiful.
- the fact that you can see castle ruins in the middle of a town with a skyscraper in the background
-the red roofs :D
-the super typical european staircases. We live on the fourth floor so I am reminded everyday how much i love these staircases ;)
-Evey view out of every window of the many houses that I have been in is beautiful and breath taking.
-the food, Doners-super yummy german version of a gyro, mushli- is there version of cereal, way better, their yogurt beats out all others, and their apple juice is divine
Things about Germany that will take time to love
-The complete lost feeling i get when i go into a grocery store not knowing anything that any of the labels say, Life is an adventure right
-The lack of smiles when walking down the street
- This isnt germany, but we have ikea beds and they are literally back breaking soft. ask sis. prince she re threw out her back. and mine every morning is not so happy with me either ...( yeah you know you have a "pansy" mission. when one of your "trials" is that your bed is TOO soft.  but i am telling you its painful)
-I dont know if i am a freak, a wadsworth, or an american. but I don't like German toilets. and i will leave you at that.
Now there is more to adjust to than just the area. there is also the mission life. here are fun and hard adjustments that i have had to make
Mission life
-like the mtc but more. the weeks are way way quick but the days are unglaublich (unbelievable) long.
-there is a lot more behind the scene work than i thought, sometimes it makes me feel like i am doing nothing even thought i know its still the work of a missionary.
-such as a ton of meetings.
-Right of the plane you become very aware of your name tag and its weird having something that just visually separates you from the world even more than your standards you live.
- and with the name tag thought and being a missionary in general you enter into the world of awkward. Everything that you do as a missionary is awkward. even normal tasks become awkward. It is unexplainable but it is a fun fact of the calling. but its good because awkward breaks down barriers so once you embrace it, it turns into this magical power.
- I dont think that I have ever spent so much time in a church building before in my life. It seems like even with the sleep time in our apartment that we spend more time here than at "home" you literally live IN the Gospel. because you practically live in the church
-Fun fact: you learn a lot of fun facts about the ward. Missionaries are always first to find out about all the scoops and all the lives of the members before anyone else. sometimes even family. Elder Jackson always testifies of this fact, he says "missionaries are the first to find out about expecting moms" And I it wouldnt surprise me if we found out before the expecting father sometimes. So dont ever think that you are a private soul in the ward, guarantee it
-two of the more awesome things. is that Sis. Prince laughs at everything that i say. it is a great moral booster and really if you ever want someone to feel great about themselves laugh at thier jokes. its magical. the jury is still out on if she really thinks i am funny, if she would laugh at anything, or if i am getting a whole ton of pity laughs. but anyway the cookie crumbles i love it.
-so being freshly off the plane makes me a "greenie" or as we say it in this mission it makes me a "golden" with golden powers. And I think these golden powers have more to them than what I can comprehed. There is a power in keeping a fresh view of life. I am getting a deeper understanding to the "become as a child" principle. and the principle of "the traditions of their fathers". So being fresh I am able to see how it is supose to be, or my MTC view, and what life is now. When we are in a situation or a ward or a mission for too long we complicate life. We build up walls that protect us from rejection, from disappointment in others and in ourselves. We complicate life when it is very simple because the gospel is simple. Why do we think that we can not achieve greatness? Are we not the offspring of a God. Think of Greek mythology, just by having that title of being the child of zeus or the child of posiden gave these mortals power to do great adventures. Well we to have a birth right we do not have to earn or work for but are given by the fact of being. We are God's spirit children. And before we were tainted by disapointments and by seeing the "norms" we dreamed of greatness. Well, we have been entitled to greatness, to miracles. We build up our own walls that stop us from getting those miracles. We think, "Well in my family we never go to church when on vacations, so its what ever" NO. It is not. Your families tradition does not get the blame, you do. Missionaries think all the time, "We cant ask that of the members, or there is no way that we can get the members to invite a less active or a non member over to an eating appointment on the first time we meet the missionaries." and why not? Are you trusting in the arm of flesh or the arm of God. Are you approching the world ahead of you with the faith of a child, or a golden? Do you see the goal and think it is too great, that the Lord is asking for the impossible? Have faith, because when you do you trust in God, in whom all things are possible. Miracle happen when you see what the seemingly impossible task/goal ahead is and where you are at and you say to yourself, "If thats where I am suppose to be, then I WILL BE THERE." No doubt, no questions, no lowering. Drop your walls of insequrities and walk forward with boldness. You have the power of God behind you, better you have the power of God round about you.
This is the greatest most beautiful adjustment that I have made, not as a missionary alone but as a person, as a child of God, as a Daughter of a KING.
"And whoso areceiveth you, there I will be also, for I will go bbefore your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my cSpirit shall be in your hearts, and mine dangels round about you, to bear you up." D&C 84:88
-Sis. Wadsworth

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