Sunday, October 13, 2013

God's Timing (Sent 9/30/13)

Wow. in three days I will have been in Germany for a whole month, that is really really weird to think about. I feel like i haven't even written home about anything that has really happened out here. Na ja Was kann Mann tun?
Monday-- We went to see the Frankenstein Castle. There were a ton more of us there. It was fun. relax days are esencial to staying sane on a mission.
Tuesday- We had a district meeting and then after we had a quick lesson with the Family History consultants. I was freue-ing myself with glee. It was so cool to watch Sis. Prince and Elder Jackson catch the spirit of Elijah. soo fun! it inspired a temple trip next transfer so Sis. prince can do work for an ancestor she found.
Wednesday- We visited with a part member family. Sis. Strom wanted us over because she loves to cook for others. It was so nice to be with her and her husband. We had a very small window to catch our train back but we were still able to watch "finding Happiness" and the spirit was there. Her husband was interested in learning about Family Home Evening and so in a total of 7 mins We had a powerful lesson and were able to drive half a mile to catch the last train. And I was freue-ing myself again when she came to church with her little Austin.
Thursday- Thursday was a day of God's timing. We had a whole day planned out. and it was just one thing after another that stopped us from doing any of our plans, but it was ALL for the better. Because we were there out working where we were suppose to be God made the best and had His own plans that we were able to follow. It never ceases to amaze me how when we let go and just give that time to the Lord and try our hardest to be good, that things always work out unimaginably well.
Friday- We helped Sis. Hunsaker get dirt to fill one of her old visiting teachers, who she knew wanted to start a garden. We got creative as you can tell by the picture. But it was so much fun! haha! later that night we also split with the German K-town sisters. My first official split.
Saturday- Sis Hasara and i went to Mannheim to go to their stakes women conference. It was a shock to be in a meeting for an hour and not know but very little of what they were saying. but it was so much fun. and I was able to practice my German reading on Eda, the German elders investigator who is getting baptized on Saturday. She is awesome by the way. Later that night, after we came back to K-town we went to go to our Relief Society Dinner for the American ward. It was such a special night with a beautiful singing program.
Sunday- The fast and testimony meeting was really special. It was so nice to hear everyone's testimonies growing. There is something about actually hearing the words that is unlike anything else. We had a dinner that night also. and it was really cool seeing the Nelson family get into  missionary work. As a missionary it is so easy to see the blessings families get from sharing the gospel. That is one of the reasons missionaries can seem so pushy because we want the members to have those blessings.
Here's my letter to the president.
Hello President Schwartz!
This week was very interesting. There was a lot of personal growth I went through. Recently I have thought that we haven't been doing as much as we could. That here we have all these goals and yet there is "no work" to show for it. I had a talk with Sis. Prince about it and we vented to one another over how its a common frustration to never see the fruit of your work. But as I prayed and brought up this problem I was having to Heavenly Father, I was able to see that through out the day He was answering my prayers and instructing me that if I am doing what I can, I am planning full days and I am trying to meet with others that that is all I can do. That I have to leave the rest to the Lord.
On a more logistic side of the e-mail. I find it weird that we have been asked to study for 4 hours yet there never seems time to do all 4 hours. I hope that we can get better at this because it can be frustrating to me to not be "trained" and yet expected to do all the stuff anyway.
I went on my first real split this week. It was an eye-opening experience. It helped me see your inspired decision to put Sis. Prince and I together. I have learned a lot about myself and her as we have gotten to work together. There are minor things we are working through as expected but I am put at awe when I really focus on what a great missionary she is. and a great example for me to strive to become.
I have one pretty cool experience this week. A mini success story, if you will. We went over to the Nelsons house,  a couple in our ward, for dinner yesterday. They had planned to have two of their friends over to hear the first lesson, but at the last minute the friends had to cancel. But as we sat and had dinner, they began talking about how we should approach teaching Linda and Louis. Their priorities are straight too, their friendship comes first always. Bro. and Sis Nelson have totally caught on to the idea of Work of Salvation. They are missionaries for life and are truly Member missionaries. Seeing their example has shown me that members really can share the gospel and carry on their lives. It was a great experience to hear their testimony of missionary work and how spreading the gospel has helped them as a family come closer to Christ.
Nothing really else to report in Kaiserslautern. The ward is starting to take off. There are minor problems like not being in ward council but we can start to see our work and the work of the Lord start to grow.
Schon Tag noch
Sis. Wadsworth
Thats all for this week folks. I hope you all have a wonderful day and week!
love, Sis. Wadsworth
Frankenstein Castle, Status: Legit

a random shot of a building with our street name on it

our way cool stairs

The view from the other sisters apt.

catching Harriet off guard haha

us doing service moving dirt by using a slide, yes we are quite the innovators

the beautiful view :)

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